Organization MUCH srednyaya shkola N149 Kalininskogo region g Ufa

General Information:

Full legal name: Munitcipalnoe obrazovatelnoe uchrezhdenie srednyaya obsheobrazovatelnaya shkola N149 Kalininskogo rajona cityskogo regiona city Ufa Respubliki Bashkortostan

Leader: Minnegaleeva Nurdida Fagamutdinovna

Date of entry in the register: 30.12.2002

Number of founders: 1

Contact Information:


Zip code: 450902

Legal address: RUSSIA, 450902, Respublika Bashkortostan, G. UFA, D. FEDOROVKA, UL. GALECHNAYA, D.7, --, ---


Site (www):

Telephone(s): 270-39-04, 270-39-06

Requisites organization (the data from the register):

TIN (INN): 0273026760

KPP (tax registration reason code): 027301001

OKPO (All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations): 45230045

OGRN (Primary state registration number): 1020202399370

OKFS (National Classification of ownership): 14 - Municipal property

OKOGU (National Classification of state power and control): 4210007 - municipal Organization

OKOPF (National Classification of legal forms): 81

OKTMO (National Classification of municipalities): 80701000

OKATO (National Classification of administrative and territorial division): 80401918 - Respublika Bashkortostan, citya respublikanskogo znacheniya Respubliki Bashkortostan, Ufa, Fedorovskij

Types of activity:

Main (NACE): 80.21.2 - Education, The basic general, secondary (complete), primary and secondary vocational education, The basic general and secondary (complete) general education, Secondary (complete) general education

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The founders of the company:
Komitet po upravleniyu munitcipalnoj sobstvennostyu g. Ufi0%0 ths rub.

Quick Reference:
Company MUCH srednyaya shkola N149 Kalininskogo region g Ufa registered 30 December 2002 year at 450902, Respublika Bashkortostan, G. UFA, D. FEDOROVKA, UL. GALECHNAYA, D.7, --, ---. Company was assigned OGRN 1020202399370 and the TIN 0273026760. The main activity is secondary (complete) general education. The company is headed Minnegaleeva Nurdida Fagamutdinovna.