Organization GBUZ "KPTD № 6"

General Information:

Full legal name: gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie zdravoohraneniya "Kraevoj protivotuberkuleznij dispanser № 6"

Leader: Samusenko Olga Ivanovna

Date of entry in the register: 15.12.2002

Number of founders: 2

Contact Information:


Zip code: 692343

Legal address: RUSSIA, 692343, Primorskij region, G. ARSENEV, UL. LESNAYA, D.1


Site (www):

Telephone(s): +7(42361)3-24-43

Requisites organization (the data from the register):

TIN (INN): 2501008124

KPP (tax registration reason code): 250101001

OKPO (All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations): 49845016

OGRN (Primary state registration number): 1022500510207

OKFS (National Classification of ownership): 13 - Ownership of the Russian Federation

OKOGU (National Classification of state power and control): 2300229 - The executive authorities of the Russian Federation performing the functions of health care financing

OKOPF (National Classification of legal forms): 81

OKTMO (National Classification of municipalities): 05703000

OKATO (National Classification of administrative and territorial division): 05403 - Primorskij region, citya kraevogo podchineniya Primorskogo region, Arsenev

Types of activity:

Main (NACE): 85.11 - Health and social services, Health care and social services, Human health activities, Activities of hospitals


85.11.1Hospital activities generalist and specialist
85.12Medical practice
85.14Other human health activities

Find similar businesses (with the same NACE and OKATO)

The founders of the company:
departament imushestvennih otnoshenij Primorskogo kr0%0 ths rub.

Quick Reference:
Company GBUZ "KPTD № 6" registered 15 December 2002 year at 692343, Primorskij region, G. ARSENEV, UL. LESNAYA, D.1. Company was assigned OGRN 1022500510207 and the TIN 2501008124. The main activity is activities of hospitals. The company is headed Samusenko Olga Ivanovna.