Organization MBU Mryasimovskaya osnovnaya shkola MR Karaidelskij

General Information:

Full legal name: Munitcipalnoe obsheobrazovatelnoe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie Mryasimovskaya osnovnaya obsheobrazovatelnaya shkola munitcipalnogo rajona Karaidelskij rajon Respubliki Bashkortostan

Leader: Gizitdinova Angimya Karamovna

Date of entry in the register: 30.10.2002

Number of founders: 1

Contact Information:


Zip code: 452365

Legal address: RUSSIA, 452365, Respublika Bashkortostan, KARAIDELSKIJ REGION, D. MRYASIMOVO


Site (www):

Telephone(s): +7(34744)2-21-20

Requisites organization (the data from the register):

TIN (INN): 0228003150

KPP (tax registration reason code): 022801001

OKPO (All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations): 55830355

OGRN (Primary state registration number): 1020200941089

OKFS (National Classification of ownership): 14 - Municipal property

OKOGU (National Classification of state power and control): 4210007 - municipal Organization

OKOPF (National Classification of legal forms): 81

OKTMO (National Classification of municipalities): 80634448

OKATO (National Classification of administrative and territorial division): 80234884 - Respublika Bashkortostan, Regions Respubliki Bashkortostan, Karaidelskij rajon, Village soviets Karaidelskogo region, Uryush-Bitullinskij

Types of activity:

Main (NACE): 80.21.1 - Education, The basic general, secondary (complete), primary and secondary vocational education, The basic general and secondary (complete) general education, Basic general education

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The founders of the company:
Rossijskaya Federatciya0%0 ths rub.

Quick Reference:
Company MBU Mryasimovskaya osnovnaya shkola MR Karaidelskij registered 30 October 2002 year at 452365, Respublika Bashkortostan, KARAIDELSKIJ REGION, D. MRYASIMOVO. Company was assigned OGRN 1020200941089 and the TIN 0228003150. The main activity is basic general education. The company is headed Gizitdinova Angimya Karamovna.