Organization OBP MKUK "Novosanzharovskij KDTC"

General Information:

Full legal name: Obosoblennoe podrazdelenie munitcipalnogo kazennogo uchrezhdeniya kulturi "Novosanzharovskij kulturno-dosugovij tcentr" Novosanzharovskogo selskogo poseleniya Russko-Polyanskogo munitcipalnogo rajona Omskoj area

Leader: Direktor Kochergina Tatyana Viktorovna

Date of entry in the register: 18.12.2008

Number of founders: 1

Contact Information:

Legal address: RUSSIA, 646790, Omskaya area, Russko-Polyanskij rajon, s Novosanzharovka, ul Lenina, d 10


Site (www):


Requisites organization (the data from the register):

TIN (INN): 5531008198

KPP (tax registration reason code):

OKPO (All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations): 88637082

OGRN (Primary state registration number): 1085509002127

OKFS (National Classification of ownership): 14 - Municipal property

OKOGU (National Classification of state power and control): 4210007 - municipal Organization

OKOPF (National Classification of legal forms): 30003 - Separate subdivisions of legal entities

OKTMO (National Classification of municipalities): 52650410101

OKATO (National Classification of administrative and territorial division): 52250810 - Omskaya area, Regions Omskoj area, Russko-Polyanskij rajon, Selskie regiona Russko-Polyanskogo region, Novosanzharovskij

Types of activity:

Main (NACE): 92.51 - Other community, social and personal services, Activities and recreation, culture and sport, Other cultural activities, Libraries, archives, clubs and similar institutions

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Quick Reference:
Company OBP MKUK "Novosanzharovskij KDTC" registered 18 December 2008 year at 646790, Omskaya area, Russko-Polyanskij rajon, s Novosanzharovka, ul Lenina, d 10. Company was assigned OGRN 1085509002127 and the TIN 5531008198. The main activity is libraries, archives, clubs and similar institutions. The company is headed Direktor Kochergina Tatyana Viktorovna.