Organization FL FKU UVO MVD RF po Ulyanovskoj area - Ulyanov

General Information:

Full legal name: "Ulyanovskij" Otdel vnevedomstvennoj ohrani - filial federalnogo gosudarstvennogo kazennogo uchrezhdeniya "Upravlenie vnevedomstvennoj ohrani Upravleniya Ministerstva vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federatcii po Ulyanovskoj area"

Leader: Nachalnik Pogudin Igor Viktorovich

Date of entry in the register: 02.08.2012

Number of founders: 1

Contact Information:


Zip code: 433300

Legal address: RUSSIA, 433300, Ulyanovskaya area, g Novoulyanovsk, ul. Komsomolskaya, d. 17a


Site (www):

Telephone(s): +7(84255)7-22-45

Requisites organization (the data from the register):

TIN (INN): 7325114839

KPP (tax registration reason code):

OKPO (All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations): 08706875

OGRN (Primary state registration number): 1127325004927

OKFS (National Classification of ownership): 12 - Federal property

OKOGU (National Classification of state power and control): 1310500 - The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation ( Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs )

OKTMO (National Classification of municipalities): 73715000

OKATO (National Classification of administrative and territorial division): 73415 - Ulyanovskaya area, citya oblastnogo znacheniya Ulyanovskoj area, Novoulyanovsk

Types of activity:

Main (NACE): 75.24.1 - Public administration and defense, social security, Provision of services to the general public, Activities to ensure public order and safety, Activities of Internal Affairs

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Quick Reference:
Company FL FKU UVO MVD RF po Ulyanovskoj area - Ulyanov registered 02 August 2012 year at 433300, Ulyanovskaya area, Novoulyanovsk, ul. Komsomolskaya, d. 17a. Company was assigned OGRN 1127325004927 and the TIN 7325114839. The main activity is activities of internal affairs. The company is headed Nachalnik Pogudin Igor Viktorovich.