- 01 - Agriculture, hunting and related service activities (91)
- 01.1 - Plant (20376)
- 01.11 - Growing of cereals and other crops not elsewhere classified (18336)
- 01.11.1 - Growing of cereals and legumes (121206)
- 01.11.11 - durum wheat (2)
- 01.11.2 - Growing potatoes, table root and tuber crops with high starch or inulin content (18443)
- 01.11.3 - oil seeds (1042)
- 01.11.4 - Growing tobacco and tobacco (54)
- 01.11.5 - Sugar beet (712)
- 01.11.6 - feed crops, harvesting vegetable feeds (5567)
- 01.11.7 - Growing spinning cultures (212)
- 01.11.8 - Growing of other crops, not nec (9221)
- 01.12 - Growing of vegetables, horticultural specialties and nursery products (3448)
- 01.12.1 - Vegetable (7341)
- 01.12.2 - Ornamental horticulture and nursery products (1497)
- 01.12.3 - Mushroom cultivation, picking wild mushrooms and truffles (311)
- 01.12.31 - mushrooms and mycelium (mycelium) (458)
- 01.12.32 - Collection of mushrooms and truffles (208)
- 01.13 - Growing of fruit, nuts, beverage crops and spices (507)
- 01.13.1 - Growing grapes (624)
- 01.13.2 - Growing of other fruits and nuts (3010)
- 01.13.21 - Growing fruit and berry (2548)
- 01.13.22 - Growing nuts (27)
- 01.13.23 - Growing planting fruit trees (164)
- 01.13.24 - Collection of fruits, berries and nuts, including wild (944)
- 01.13.3 - Growing of beverage crops (63)
- 01.13.4 - Growing crops for the production of spices (19)
- 01.2 - Livestock (5941)
- 01.21 - breeding cattle (40646)
- 01.22 - Farming of sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules and hinnies (769)
- 01.22.1 - Sheep and goats (3319)
- 01.22.2 - Raising of horses, asses, mules and hinnies (4428)
- 01.23 - Raising pigs (4474)
- 01.24 - Farming of poultry (4323)
- 01.25 - Raising of other animals (310)
- 01.25.1 - Breeding bees (1293)
- 01.25.2 - breeding rabbits and fur animals in the farm (691)
- 01.25.3 - Silkworm Breeding (13)
- 01.25.4 - Deer Breeding (821)
- 01.25.5 - camel breeding (6)
- 01.25.6 - Pet Breeding (301)
- 01.25.7 - breeding laboratory animals (16)
- 01.25.8 - Aquaculture reptiles and frogs in the ponds, breeding rain (California) worms (15)
- 01.25.81 - Aquaculture reptiles and frogs in the ponds (9)
- 01.25.82 - Breeding rain (California) worms (118)
- 01.25.9 - Raising of other animals, not elsewhere classified (144)
- 01.3 - Growing of crops combined with farming of animals (mixed farming) (3708)
- 01.4 - Providing services in crop production, ornamental horticulture and livestock, except veterinary activities (1057)
- 01.41 - Providing services in crop and ornamental gardening (2450)
- 01.41.1 - Provision of services related to the production of crops (8953)
- 01.41.2 - Services on the tab, processing and maintenance of gardens, parks and other green spaces (3643)
- 01.41.3 - Services on reclamation operation (843)
- 01.42 - Provision of livestock, except veterinary activities (1168)
- 01.5 - Hunting and breeding of wild animals, including the provision of services in these areas (774)
- 02 - Forestry, logging and related service areas (16)
- 02.0 - Forestry and the provision of services in this area (2118)
- 02.01 - Forestry and logging (6190)
- 02.01.1 - Logging (27625)
- 02.01.2 - Collection of wild and non-timber forest products (386)
- 02.01.5 - Forestry (4331)
- 02.01.6 - nursery activities (72)
- 02.01.61 - Growing seedlings, trees and shrubs (141)
- 02.01.69 - Growing of other production nurseries (7)
- 02.02 - Providing services in forestry and logging (807)
- 02.02.1 - Providing services to forestry (1223)
- 02.02.2 - Provision of logging (993)